Newly released non-native dung beetle species provide enhanced ecosystem services in New Zealand pastures

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Ecological Entomology
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ecosystem services

Forgie, Shaun A.; Paynter, Quentin; Zhao, Zeng; Flowers, Christine; Fowler, Simon V.

Abstract Note

1. Whether the release of non-native insect species benefits or harms ecosystem services has been the subject of debate. In New Zealand, the release of new non-native dung beetle species was intended to enhance ecosystem services but concerns were raised over possible negative effects. 2. Field cage trials used three newly released dung beetle species to investigate two concerns: that soil disturbance from dung beetle activity increases soil losses in runoff after rainfall; and that dung burial increases survival of infective parasitic nematodes on pasture. 3. Three treatments – dung + beetles, dung-only, and controls (without dung or beetles) – were applied on each of three soil types with different permeability: sandy loam, clay loam, and compacted clay. 4. Dung beetle activity resulted in significant reductions of 49% and 81% in mean surface runoff volume, depending on simulated rainfall intensity. Amounts of sediment in the runoff did not change under an extreme rainfall simulation, but in a less extreme rainfall simulation the presence of dung beetles resulted in a 97% reduction in mean sediment amount in runoff. 5. The numbers of infective third-stage nematode larvae recovered from foliage varied considerably between soil types and through time; however, dung beetle activity reduced overall mean nematode numbers on grass around the dung pats by 71%. 6. This study adds to global evidence that dung beetles can improve agricultural ecosystem services by providing data on services that have rarely been investigated: reduced runoff/soil losses through increased soil porosity, and reductions in parasitic nematodes.